Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Working with Photos Part I

Mendenhall Glacier
I've just returned from a great holiday and now I'm faced with the daunting task of sorting through the hundreds of photos and tons of video that I took while I was away. I brought my laptop while I was on holiday so that I could empty the camera memory card each day. I organized the photo files in a directory with a different folder for each day that I was away. This makes the process of sorting a little easier. It also makes remembering where I was and what I saw each day a little easier too! I also wanted to be able to back up my photos/AVIs by burning them to DVD in case something happened to the laptop, so I brought along some re-writable DVDs as well and burned a couple of DVDs using K3b.
Now that I'm home, I'd like to put the photos online for friends and family to view them. I used to do this quite a bit when I was still using Windows and two programs that I enjoyed using were Xatshow and Memories on TV.
I'm now searching around for Linux programs that can create similar type of online webshows.
I've found several linux programs that look interesting, but I haven't had a chance to fully exlore them yet. I'm planning to check each one out and I hope that they meet my expectations.
In the meantime, I've created a short slideshow of my cruise to Alaska. This was created with the freeware version of Xatshow. It's a Windows program that I've used for years and luckily, it runs just fine under Wine. If you've got Java installed then it should autoload after a short delay.

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