Sunday, February 13, 2011

Mobile Media Mood

My wife has an old Nokia phone. She asked me if I could change the ringtone for her. I tried copying an mp3 file and a wav file, but neither worked. It turns out that the phone uses its own awb format for files.
I searched the ubuntu forums for a quick fix on converting mp3s to amr format. There are a few posts on using ffmpeg to do the conversion, but I couldn't find/install the codecs needed for the amr format. I hope to explore this more in the future, but just don't have the time at the moment.
In the end, I cheated and downloaded a simple media converter that works brilliantly. It's called Mobile Media Converter. It's currently on version 1.7.1
You can download it from the site or from my own account.
This was a quick and easy way of converting an audio file to what I consider an obsolete audio format. Hopefully I can find a good deal on a new phone for my wife so that she can retire her relic.